Objective Campaign
“As a result of the native campaign and the smart brand integrations in the context of De Plezantste Gemeente van Vlaanderen, we at AXA were able to generate a significant increase in terms of business leads for our insurance products in 2019.”
Quote by Gianni De Muynck – Spokesman AXA
Media Characteristics
Media value co-branded campaigns: 2,000,000 euro (print, online, tv, radio)
Co-branded election: 110,000 unique voters
Reach native content: 1,073,900 people
Number of published native pieces: 20 articles Number of published editorial pieces: > 100 articles.
Reason Best Practice
Mediahuis Brand Studio was the first Belgian player to link a journalistic project’s topics to an advertiser’s native campaign. The broad partnership allowed both AXA and Het Nieuwsblad to reach their KPIs.
Owing to the Mediahuis native charter, journalistic independence was guaranteed at all times.

Veerle Neyens,
Director Brand Studio bij Roularta Media Group
“Deze slimme groots opgezette campagne werd uitgewerkt op 2 assen : een wedstrijd waarbij de hele redactie betrokken is en de relevantie voor het merk. De campagne had bovendien een uitzonderlijk lange looptijd van 12 maanden.”